About to attempt some tweaks and changes to the site, bring it up-to-date, so it at least matches the Facebook page — Facebook.com/movetofire
They’ll be several additions here over the next couple of days, including more book excerpts and news.
About to attempt some tweaks and changes to the site, bring it up-to-date, so it at least matches the Facebook page — Facebook.com/movetofire
They’ll be several additions here over the next couple of days, including more book excerpts and news.
I’ve been thinking that posting some short selections from Move To Fire might be both interesting and enticing (I figure you’ll let me know…). I’ll do this every week or so for, well, at least a while. Hope you enjoy or are enticed to find out more. Seems logical to start at the start, so here’s the first from Move To Fire’s Foreword:
“Move To Fire is an only-in-America story. The people in it are all of us — parents, kids, business people, lawyers, good people, and bad people. There are guns, an accidental shooting, and a lawsuit. It’s an American trifecta. It’s out best, our worst, and exposes how little we may actually know about things for which we voice our opinions, sometimes voiced at the top or our lungs.”
From “Move To Fire – A family’s tragedy, a lone attorney, and a teenager’s victory over a corrupt gunmaker,” available from Amazon, Apple’s iStore, and Barnes & Noble Online.